"On-Access Scanner" page

The "On-Access scanner" page allows to set the parameters of resident protection.

By checking box "Show program icon on task bar" the program icon of resident protection will be shown on task bar when the resident protection is running. It allows you the modification of resident protection after clicking on this icon with left mouse button.

"Animate icon" check box enables icon animation of resident scanner.

By checking box "Scan boot disk sectors" all boot sector of drives will be scanned at logging off or on system shutdown.

"Check for floppies" check box determines that scanned at logging off or on system shutdown a diskette drive is tested for diskette presence.

"On-Access scanner" page

Into the "Show at most X messages at a time" text box is possible to enter number of maximum displayed messages from resident module. Choose the number from 1 to 20.

Into the "Show for X seconds" text box is possible to enter number indicating the time for which the resident module message will be displayed. Enter the number from 1 to 100 seconds.